Sep 2 Mon
Sep 3 Tue
Sep 4 Wed
Sep 5 Thu
Sep 6 Fri
- Eagle Varsity Football @ Academy - Away - 7:30pm Online Tickets Only
- Eagles/Lady Eagles LMS Cross Country @ Hillacious Junior Invitational - Brenham
- Early Out
- LHS Eagle Spirit Days - Beach Theme - Dress in Hawaiian Shirts, leis, and anyting beach!
- LHS OAP Fall Show Rehearsal - 1:45pm-4:00pm - HS 802 & HS 804 *churchc
- LISD Sub Training - 9:00am-10:00am - LISD Board Room *reynoldsl
- LMS 3rd-6th - BOY Math Benchmark *shadwellk 9/3/2024 – 9/6/2024
- Lady Eagles Volleyball @ Caldwell - Away - JV2/JV1/V - 4:30,5:30
Sep 7 Sat
Sep 9 Mon
- LES Kindergarten Grandparent's/VIP Day - 11:00am - K Rooms *browna
- LES Kindergarten VIP Day - 10:45am *wolfk
- LHS Marching Band Rehearsal - 6:00pm-8:00pm - Band Hall & Practice Area *stickmanm
- LISD Board of Trustees Regular Meeting - 6:30pm - LISD Board Room *doddr
- LMS 9th-13th - BOY ELA Benchmark *shadwellk 9/9/2024 – 9/13/2024
- Lady Eagles LMS Volleyball @ Rockdale - Away - 7B/8B/7A/8A - 4:30 Online Tickets ONLY Lady Eagles LMS Volleyball @ Rockdale - ONLINE TICKETS ONLY
- Res: LLDV Practice - 6:00pm-7:00pm Old Gym, 6:00pm-8:00pm APK Gym *brockenbushb
- Res: Lexington Youth Cheerleading Practice - 4:00pm-5:30pm - LES CAP Gym *schneiderje
Sep 10 Tue
Sep 11 Wed
- LHS Eagles Baseball - Meet & Greet with Coach Graham & Family - 7:00pm-8:00pm - APK Gym (Open to Current & Incoming HS Baseball Players & Parents *beckm
- LHS iGrow Meeting - Freshmen 603 Conner, Sophomores & Juniors 507 Cross - Eagle Time *crossj
- LMS 9th-13th - BOY ELA Benchmark *shadwellk 9/9/2024 – 9/13/2024
- LMS Cheer Practice - 4:30pm-6:00pm - APK Gym *shadwellk
- Res: LLDV Practice - 6:00pm-8:00pm Old Gym, 6:00pm-8:00pm APK Gym *brockenbushb
- Res: Lexington Youth Cheerleading Practice - 4:00pm-5:30pm - LES CAP Gym *schneiderje
Sep 12 Thu
- Eagle JV Football vs Rockdale - Home - 6:00 PM
- Eagle LMS Football @ Rockdale - Away - 5/6:15 PM
- LMS 9th-13th - BOY ELA Benchmark *shadwellk 9/9/2024 – 9/13/2024
- Res: LLDV Practice - 6:00pm-7:00pm Old Gym, 6:00pm-7:00pm APK Gym *brockenbushb
- Res: BTXElite Basketball Practice - 7:00pm-8:30pm - APK Gym *roseb
- Res: LYBSA Softball Practice - 4:00pm - 8:00pm - Lady Eagles Softball Field *tichenora
Sep 13 Fri
- Eagle Varsity Football @ Rockdale (Gold Out Game) - Away - 7:30pm
- Early Out
- LHS &LMS Eagle Spirit Days - Gold Out - Wear your Gold Out Shirt to show support for All those fighting childhood cancer! *garrisonh
- LHS Fall Show Rehearsal - 1:45pm-4:00pm - LISD MEC *churchc
- LHS Jr/Sr TSIA2 Testing Session - By Pre-Registration Only - 1:30pm-4:00pm - LHS Library *woodwardt
- LHS Pep Rally (Gold Out) - 10:34am-11:04am - APK Gym *garrisonh
- LMS 9th-13th - BOY ELA Benchmark *shadwellk 9/9/2024 – 9/13/2024
- Lady Eagles Volleyball @ Rockdale* - Away - JV2/JV1/V - 4:30, 6:00
Sep 14 Sat
Sep 15 Sun
Sep 16 Mon
- LES DOT Day (Everyone Wear Dots) - LES Campus
- LES DOT Day *wolfk
- LHS Marching Band Rehearsal - 6:00pm-8:00pm - Band Hall & Practice Area *stickmanm
- LISD Board Of Trustees Special Called Meeting - Board Training - 6:00pm - LISD Board Room
- Lady Eagles LMS Volleyball BYE -
- Res: LLDV Practice - 6:00pm-7:00pm Old Gym, 6:00pm-8:00pm APK Gym *brockenbushb
- Res: Lexington Youth Cheerleading Practice - 4:00pm-5:30pm - LES CAP Gym *schneiderje
Sep 17 Tue
Sep 18 Wed
- Class of 2031 Grad Bash Parent Meeting - 5:00pm - St. James Lutheran Church Parish Hall *brockenbushb
- LHS iGrow Meeting - Freshmen 603 Conner, Sophomores & Juniors 507 Cross - Eagle Time *crossj
- LMS Cheer Practice - 4:30pm-6:00pm - APK Gym *shadwellk
- Res: LLDV Practice - 6:00pm-8:00pm Old Gym, 6:00pm-8:00pm APK Gym *brockenbushb
- Res: Lexington Youth Cheerleading Practice - 4:00pm-5:30pm - LES CAP Gym *schneiderje
Sep 19 Thu
- Eagle JV Football vs Groesbeck - Home - 6:00 PM
- Eagle LMS Football @ Groesbeck - Away - 5/6:15 PM
- LHS BPA Meeting - EagleTime - HS 603 *connerj
- Res: LLDV Practice - 6:00pm-7:00pm Old Gym, 6:00pm-7:00pm APK Gym *brockenbushb
- Res: BTXElite Basketball Practice - 7:00pm-8:30pm - APK Gym *roseb
- Res: LYBSA Softball Practice - 4:00pm - 8:00pm - Lady Eagles Softball Field *tichenora
- Res: LYF Practices - 6:00pm-7:30pm - Practice Field *brockenbushb
Sep 20 Fri
- Eagle Varsity Football @ Groesbeck - Away - 7:30pm
- Eagles/Lady Eagles LHS Cross Country @ Camp Tejas Invitational - Camp Tejas
- Early Out
- LHS Eagle Spirit Days - Western Day - Howdy & Yeehaw! Wear your best western attire. *garrisonh
- LHS Homecoming Court Pictures - 10:00am - HS Main Steps *woodwardt
- LHS Jr/Sr TSIA2 Testing Session - By Pre-Registration Only - 1:30pm-4:00pm - LHS Library *woodwardt
- Lady Eagles Volleyball @ Rogers* - Away - JV2/JV1/V - 4:30, 5:30
- UIL Eligibility - UIL 6th Week
Sep 21 Sat
Sep 22 Sun
Sep 23 Mon
- *Updated Schedule* Lady Eagles LMS Volleyball @ Academy - Away - B Teams Academy Intermediate, A Teams Academy Middle - 7th Begins @ 5, 8th Follows
- LHS Marching Band Rehearsal - 6:00pm-8:00pm - Band Hall & Practice Area *stickmanm
- LHS OAP Fall Show Rehearsal - 4:15pm-6:30pm - LHS 804 *churchc
- Res: LLDV Practice - 6:00pm-7:00pm Old Gym, 6:00pm-8:00pm APK Gym *brockenbushb
- Res: Lexington Youth Cheerleading Practice - 4:00pm-5:30pm - LES CAP Gym *schneiderje
Sep 24 Tue
- LHS Junior Class Herff Jones Meeting - Class Rings - 1:35pm-2:05pm Eagle Time - LHS Library *meyerk
- LISD SHAC Meeting - 10:00am-11:00am - LHS Library *grahamc
- LMS OAP Auditions - 4:30pm-7:00pm - HS 804, 804 *churchc
- Lady Eagles Volleyball vs Cameron* - Home - JV2/JV1/V - 4:30, 5:30, 6:30
- Res: LYF Practices - 6:00pm-7:30pm - Practice Field *brockenbushb
Sep 25 Wed
- LES Fall Pictures *walkerk
- LHS "See You at the Pole" - 7:30am - Eagle Stadium Flag Pole *dodds
- LMS Cheer Practice - 4:30pm-6:00pm - APK Gym *shadwellk
- Res: LLDV Practice - 6:00pm-8:00pm Old Gym, 6:00pm-8:00pm APK Gym *brockenbushb
- Res: Lexington Youth Cheerleading Practice - 4:00pm-5:30pm - LES CAP Gym *schneiderje
Sep 26 Thu
- *Updated Schedule* Eagle JV Football vs Lorena - HOME - 5:00 PM
- *Updated Schedule* Eagle LMS Football @ Hearne - AWAY - One Combined 7th & 8th Grade @ 5:30pm
- LHS OAP Fall Show Rehearsal - 4:15pm-6:30pm - LISD MEC *churchc
- Res: LLDV Practice - 6:00pm-7:00pm Old Gym, 6:00pm-7:00pm APK Gym *brockenbushb
- Res: BTXElite Basketball Practice - 7:00pm-8:30pm - APK Gym *roseb
- Res: LYBSA Softball Practice - 4:00pm - 8:00pm - Lady Eagles Softball Field *tichenora
- Res: LYF Practices - 6:00pm-7:30pm - Practice Field *brockenbushb
Sep 27 Fri
- Eagle Varsity Football vs Hearne - Home - 7:30pm
- Early Out
- LES Soaring Eagles - 8:00am - CAP Cafeteria *wolfk
- LHS Eagle Spirit Days - Construction Zone - Wear all your best safety and construction gear! *garrisonh
- LHS Jr/Sr TSIA2 Testing Session - By Pre-Registration Only - 1:30pm-4:00pm - LHS Library *woodwardt
- LHS Pep Rally - 11:08am-11:38am - APK Gym *garrisonh
- LHS TXETA College Auditions - Galveston *churchc 9/27/2024 – 9/29/2024
- Lady Eagles Volleyball @ Franklin* - Away - JV2/JV1/V - 4:30, 5:30
- T-Mobile Giant Check Presentation - Friday Night 5G Lights - Pre-Game (7:15pm) at Tonight's Eagle Football Game #FN5GL *smithem
- UIL Eligibility - Regain/Lose Eligibility
Sep 28 Sat
- Eagles/Lady Eagles LHS & LMS Cross Country @ Sandia City Invitational - Luling
- LHS TXETA College Auditions - Galveston *churchc 9/27/2024 – 9/29/2024
- Lady Eagles LMS Volleyball @ La Grange Tournament - Away - 7A/8A - TBD
- Res: LLDV Games - 7:00am-5:00pm Old & APK Gyms *brockenbushb
- Res: LYF Game - 7:00am-3:00pm - Eagle Stadium *brockenbushb
Sep 29 Sun
Sep 30 Mon
- LHS Class of 2028 Parent Meeting - 6:30pm-7:30pm - LHS Library *smithem
- LHS Marching Band Rehearsal - 6:00pm-8:00pm - Band Hall & Practice Area *stickmanm
- LHS/LMS/LES Homecoming 2024 Spirit Week - Monochrome Monday - Dress head to toe in one color *garrisonh
- Lady Eagles LMS Volleyball vs Thrall - Home - 7B/8B/7A/8A - 5:00
- Res: LLDV Practice - 6:00pm-7:00pm Old Gym, 6:00pm-8:00pm APK Gym *brockenbushb
- Res: Lexington Youth Cheerleading Practice - 4:00pm-5:30pm - LES CAP Gym *schneiderje